Monday, June 12, 2023

Automotive Service Excellence.

When you see this in print it is generally an anagram…ASE. In case you didn’t know what that three-letter abbreviation stood for…now you do. To attain automotive service excellence, it takes skill and dedication. When you trust your vehicle to A.J.’s Import Garage, serving the Topeka area, that is exactly what you expect!

ASE certified auto mechanics are the people who can teach because they know their craft inside and out. They efficiently and effectively diagnose mechanical problems in your car, so as not to waste time and energy troubleshooting automotive malfunctions. Topeka is fortunate to have A.J.’s Import Garage.

When you make an appointment for auto repair at A.J.’s Import Garage of Topeka, you can do so with confidence. A.J.’s Import Garage is located at 501 S.W. Harrison St. in the capital city.

When you need service work on your vehicle call (785) 233-1000 to make an appointment. What kind of mechanical repair? Just google

Thursday, June 1, 2023

Has Your Car’s Air Conditioning Been Checked Yet?

We probably don’t need to tell you, but a long hot summer is right around the corner. As June approaches so does summer. Guess what? As hot as it will be outdoors, it is even hotter in your vehicle! Have you had your car’s a/c checked to make sure that it is ready for summer? A.J.’s Import Garage in Topeka will check your vehicle’s air conditioning.


Here are some things that A.J.’s mechanics will check -

1. Maybe it needs to be recharged.

2. The compressor is not “kicking in”.

3. A failed fan motor.

There are several other steps that the mechanics of A.J.’s Import Garage will do to ensure a “cool” summer on the horizon. Here in Topeka it gets hot! No one can deny that. Don’t get caught with failing air conditioning in your car this summer. Make an appointment at A.J.’s Import Garage by calling (785) 233-1000. See the big picture at