Monday, May 15, 2023

Brakes are Our Last Line of Defense.

Everyone knows that good brakes equal safe driving. The brake repair and replacement professionals at A.J.’s Import Garage know it better than anyone. Brake jobs on import cars in the Topeka area are one of the many, many specialties of the repair team at A.J.’s Import Garage, located at 501 S.W. Harrison in Topeka.


Breaks going bad may sound like -

1. Squealing or squeaking.

2. Grinding.

3. Clattering, vibrating.

Why would any Topeka area driver ignore those warning signs? If you have not had your brakes checked this year, make an appointment at A.J.’s Import Garage as soon as you can. They have an easy phone number to remember - (785) 233-1000. This year, take better care of your import car by visiting They have plenty to offer.

Monday, May 1, 2023

Repairing and Replacing Your Car’s Starter.

After a hard winter of driving around the highways and byways of the Topeka area it is entirely possible that your vehicle’s starter is going bad. When you notice problems with your import car’s starter…do not hesitate! Call on the services of A.J.’s Import Garage serving the Topeka are for many years.

Here are some signs that you are about to need a jump or a tow -

1. The engine barely turns over.

2. There are unusual noises when you start the car.

3. Smoke begins billowing from under the hood.

A dead starter means that your vehicle has become a paper weight! Before that occurs, get into A.J.’s Import Garage,
located at 501 S.W. Harrison St. in Topeka. If you can’t make it there, please call (785) 233-1000 for help. A.J.’s Import Garage has experts who will replace your car’s starter. See the big picture at