Thursday, July 15, 2021

That Is a Sweet Smell.

That is not always a good thing when it emanates from your German made vehicle. When your car smells great, you actually might have an issue which needs to be taken care of right away! A sweet or syrupy smell could mean there is a problem with your coolant. A.J.’s Import Garage in Topeka should be your next stop.

Quite simply, coolant is one of the most important fluids that helps run your import car around the roads of Topeka. Did you know that another reason you might be smelling something sweet is because your radiator hose is leaking? It just keeps getting worse and worse, so do not be deceived by a sweet smell.

The professional auto mechanics at A.J.’s Import Garage will check all of the proper places and have you back on the road safely in no time. Trust A.J.’s Import Garage for all of your foreign and domestic auto repairs. See their array of services at Call this phone number for an appointment at 501 S.W. Harrison in Topeka (785) 233-1000.

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Summer Heat is Everywhere in Topeka.

It is in your home, outdoors, and most importantly in the confined area of your vehicle. Please make sure that your car’s air conditioning system has been checked by the auto a/c pros at A.J.’s Import Garage. Foreign and domestic vehicles are welcome at A.J.’s Import Garage located at 501 S.W. Harrison in Topeka.

Here are some recommended auto air conditioning tune-up tips –

1.  Check and properly adjust the thermostat

2.  Test for proper airflow

3.  Replace the air filter in the cabin of the vehicle

4.  Put in plenty of freon

These are some of the steps that the mechanics at A.J.’s Import Garage will employ to keep your foreign or domestic vehicle cool and comfortable this summer. A.J.’s Import Garage of Topeka is so much more than an air conditioning specialist. See the full story at Before the real “dog days” arrive call (785) 233-1000 for an appointment.